So Monk was at school and she was looking in a magazine at a picture of some food and she remarked, "That food looks good." And her classmate, a cute boy who sits next to her remarked back to her, "No, you look good." It wasn't the first nice thing he has said to her. We are pretty sure he has a little Monk crush! Here are a few more pictures of my beautiful girl dancers.
This is the first year that Smoke has been able to carve pumpkins with us and the girls had lots of fun. Too bad I forgot to put the pumpkins outside on Halloween and they ended up rotting on my kitchen counter. It was fun so I guess it doesn't matter. Monk with her carving kit along with my favorite centerpiece in the world.... The girls getting the guts out... Monk and Tink drew their own faces on their pumpkins. Here they are carving. Tink taking a break during the pumpkin carving because she has the attention span of a fly! All Finished!